Monday 27 January 2014

teen film opening planning

our film title is called 'Differences'

the film 'Differences' is a teen drama that compares  the contrasting lifestyle of a popular rich male to a poor psychologically affected female. The whole film is about how the rich popular male falls in love with the poor unpopular female, he leaves his past 'celebrity' lifestyle for her, teaches her how to be a successful banker and makes her his assistant, together they rise through the social hierarchy and end up living their dream.

The opening of the film will be looking at both the popular male's journey to college and the unpopular female's to work. We'll jump between the two to show that both are happening at the same time. During the males journey to college he'll be having flashbacks of how his lifestyle is, this will contain popular dance music, sounds of crowds and loads of shutter sounds to connote his celebrity status. The female will mainly be in contrast to the male her is journey is to work, where she hands out newspapers, she'll be hearing her mums voice screaming and shouting and a voice over reliving the moment of her mothers death followed by a gun shot. As the male character is proceeding to college he bumps into the female character whilst she is working,he is automatically overwhelmed by her beauty this will be how the two characters meet.

the sub genre of the film is teen drama/action/roance

What inspired us
The film 'The Bing Ring' revolves around teenagers living a rich celebrity lifestyle this was popular with the teenage audience which meant that we can replicated this idea in hope to also make it popular with the teenage audience.

The costume of the two characters will be highly in contrast to each other. The rich popular male will be wearing smart casual clothes, this will consists of a shirt , jumper, formal trousers and a peacoat. He'll also have accessories such as an expensive watch and a iPhone to help show off his wealthy lifestyle. The female will be wearing casual clothes such as a plain t-shirt, jeans and trainers, she'll also be wearing a cap. Other mise en scene we'll include are colours, the male will be wearing mainly black and white aswell as gold accessories to connote his formal look. Whereas the female will be wearing quite bland colours to blend in as an ordinary person.

Our opening contains a lot of sound and effects which we have found using creative commons. On the males journey some sound effects include, party music, crowds talking and camera shutter sounds.
For the party music we planned to use a Jay-Z & Kanye West collaboration, as for the shutter sound and the crowd talking we will get this from our sound fx folder.
The female's opening is extremely in contrast to the males, we have picked a song that best shows her emotions and therefore makes it easier for us to introduce her. As for the voice over over of her mum we plan to record that ourselves and use the gun shot from the sound fx folder.

sound effect:
sound effects:

female outfit:

the females cap:

Monday 20 January 2014

Order of titles (Timeline).

Timeline of the opening titles of the film The Roommate.

Order Of Titles

order of titles time toast


The original Breakfast Club:     
Whilst reproducing our own version of the breakfast club we faced many challenges, most of which were caused by our lack of props due to budget issues. The biggest issue was the filming which involved a car being used. A major part of the opening in the original was set in a car space of 3 different vehicles so we had to improvise and use other props in order to create the effect of being inside a car. furthermore, our group consisted of three boys thus we had to substitute, which would have been the girl character, for a boy which made the scene seem less similar.

Our Remake of The Breakfast Club:

In our remake of the 'Breakfast Club' we had to reconsider many things because we did not have access to a lot of props in the opening. Instead of using a car we used chairs and a fig rig for a steering wheel. Also, because we lacked a female member in our group, Youssef had to take up a female role. Another issue we faced was the clothing, because the opening was filming in a space of three hours we were not able to make major changes to our appearance so some characters which acquired a different look ended up with the same clothes as another character.
However, we were able to recreate the opening title sequence as it did not require us to use any props, only materials that already had access to.

Planning of filming the breakfast club.

For filming the breakfast club we have to plan the props we are going to use, the clothing we plan to bring and the locations we are hoping to use to reenact the scene as accurately as possible.

We need to use a variety of props to help us with filming, the start of the clip shows a lot of places around the school, to reenact these places we'll need to provide a clock, lockers, paper, rubbish, posters, chairs, computers, food, wooden block, newspaper, leaflets, trophies, certificates, medals, banners, photos, shoes and tracksuits. All this equipment will help make filming the opening a lot more smooth as we'll have almost everything needed to reenact the entire opening, the only thing that'll need to have would be the locations for to film the places.

Within filming the characters we'll need a few other props to help us, these are stuff such as a fig rig, cars and character outfits, these will help us film the introduction to the characters as accurately as the original clip does.

As mentioned one of the most important props would be the clothing, it allows us to completely appear as the character we are trying to be and will help the audience in identifying who is who. The first two characters to appear in the film are the princess and her father, to reenact these characters we plan to bring a black jacket, white shirt, a burberry scarf and a grey jumper to go over the shirt and for the princess we plan to bring a big red leather jacket and a ginger wig, being 3 guys it'll be hard to reenact the princess so accurately.

The next character introduced is the brain, he is wearing a black and orange hat and has a simple jacket,  he'll be very easy to reenact. The little brother is wearing a bandana and we'll also have to make the person playing him appear very younger, this will be done by using a certain camera angle, he is also wearing a puffy red jacket. The mum is only seen wearing a big grey jacket so this will not be hard to obtain.

The character after the brain is the jock, he is wearing quite stereotypically a baseball jacket which will not be hard to get and his father is wearing a red jacket with a grey jacket underneath both these characters will be really easy for us to act as and should be easy for the audience to identify when watching the clip.

The following character that appears is also wearing a long grey coat, he is also wearing glasses/shades and quite big boots, the glasses is what we believe will make this character stand out and make him much easier for the audience to identify.

The last character is to appear is wearing a puffy fur hooded grey coat and a skirt, this will be hard for 3 guys to reenact.

Locations will plan to use are the following, to film the opening scenes introducing the school we plan to use various places around the college such as the hall, canteen, changing rooms, stairs and a classroom. For the introduction of the characters we don't plan to really go anywhere besides just outside the college, this helps give the effect of the characters walking into school and being outside.

Thursday 16 January 2014

3 Teen movies with different audiences

3 teen movies that have different audiences are:
  • Twilight
  • American Pie
  • Spider-man
These movies all appeal to different audiences, Twilight's audience is mainly female teenagers where as spider-man is male teenagers, furthermore American Pie has an audience that favours comedy movies.


Twilight is a romantic drama about a women that falls in love with a vampire which ends up having a massive impact on her life. The genre of the film, being a romantic drama, may push male viewers away and whilst doing that attract more of a female audience. The average age of viewers for Twilight is also 12-15. This romantic drama appeals a lot to female viewers because it can almost act as a fantasy for them, it plays off the stereotypical love stories which all young teenage girls can go crazy about.

American Pie

American Pie is a ensemble comedy film written and directed by Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg. The reunion is the fourth instalment within the American Pie theatrical series and the eighth instalment within the franchise as a whole. American Pie attracts both genders because of how diverse the comedy is, the audience that American Pie would be targeted at would be comedy fans between an age group of 16+ because it contains mostly adult humour.


The Amazing Spider-Man is a 2012 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man and sharing the title of the character's longest running comic book. It is the fourth to portray Spider-Man and most will probably say that this Spider-Man is the most relatable to teens now. He is quite arrogant and cocky but it's this type of attitude that appeals it to us and make teenagers want to watch it. The film would mainly appeal to a male audience and you couldn't really put an age group on it because it is for every age, the most appropriate would be 3+. 

Behind the scene shots of filming Breakfast Club

 Here The opening scene of the film showing the school building.

The following scene is a close up of the clock where the voice over is heard.

the opening introduction Scene showing the corridor (setting).

this shot is in the intro scene showing the canteen area in the school

this shot shows the littered stairs in the school, shows that the school has irresponsible students

this shot shows the lockers of a rebellious aggressive student,introducing types of students

this shot shows graffiti by a student which says "i hate school"

this shot shows the 'good' 'responsible' students that attend the college

this shot shows cartoon graffiti on the wall on the staircase 

this shot is of the computers to show the 'clever' students or  the 'geeks''

this shot shows the student board to show what the school does

analysis of 3 teen movies with different audiences

Target Audiences: the three teen movies that are popular are; the twilight saga, American pie and finally harry potter.

harry potter: The harry potter franchise is mainly aimed at young people from the age of 11 and over, the film is also family friendly. there are many genres which appeal to teens, there are a wide range, the first is fantasy,mystery and thriller these genres appeal to both genders because both males and females are attracted to fantasy storyline,finally the film also represents the coming of age, as the characters grow in every sequel so does the audience, they grow together

Twilight: the target audience age range for twilight is 12 - 25 year olds, this is due to the genre of the movie which is fantasy,drama and romance, furthermore because a popular disney character (taylor laughtner) is a main character in this movie, the age range starts at 12 because the film rating for this movie is 12. Twilight is target at a female audience because of the romantic plot, genre and the 'attractive' characters used, the 'Jacob VS Edward' plot attracts the teens because both actors used are charismatic. Men may not prefer this movie due to the fanatic girls obsession with the film and characters. The film is targeted at any nationality as the film has reached world cinema.

American pie: This movie is mainly for the older teens ,ages 16 and above, this film is a teen comedy. The main characters are teens dressed in contemporary clothing the film uses crude humour which attracts teenagers, furthermore there are a lot of sexual references and half naked teenage characters which also interests teenagers as they are still exploring new things. Finally the film has many parties and  seems wild, this 'exciting' factor appeals to teenagers because of the energy from the film

Thursday 9 January 2014

these are the screenshots of the shot by shot remake of breakfast club

donnie darko Analysis- characters

Characters- in the donnie darko scene there are 13 different characters that are focused on, these range from different types of students,some in groups or alone and also teachers. The first character to appear on the screen at 0.05 seconds into the scene will be the main character in my opinion, he is accompanied by two other boys (other students of the same age, this is clear because they all wore the same school uniform), i believe the two other boys will accompany him throughout the film. The next character that is introduced is seen at 0.22 seconds, this character seems to have an issue with the first character seen, i believe this individual character will be the antagonist in the movie due to his attitude which is not of the 'norm' he behaves in a ill-mannered way as he shoves past the other students, this character then mocks a teacher he goes past in the corridor at 0.31 seconds this further re-inforces the point that he is the 'baddie'. The next character seen at 0.33 seconds is a teacher (this is clear because of the uniform she is wearing, it is much more formal it also differentiates from the other students showing the heirachy between the teacher and student) i believe this particular character will be strict and intolerant to any form of rebellious behaviour as she frowns at the student who misbehaves and then follows him to assert her authority. The next character seen at 0.41 seconds is also a student, she views her appearance in a mirror which is in her locker, this character may be vain and quite self aware of her appearance. The next character seen at 0.59 is a teacher of a confident nature maybe someone atop the heirachy such as a head teacher, he is ignorant of his surroundings.

Monday 6 January 2014

Donnie Darko Analysis - Editing

Donnie Darko is a American science fiction drama film which was released in 2001, the film was written and directed by Richard Kelly and starred Jake Gyllenhaal, Drew Barrymore, Patrick Swayze, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Noah Wyle, Jena Malone and Mary McDonnell. The film depicts the adventures of the title character as he seeks the meaning and significance behind his troubling Doomsday-related visions.

The scene includes a large variety of different editing and camera techniques, the film starts looking at the back door of the school bus from a 90 degree angle, this already suggests to us that the film is going to be out of the ordinary, once rotated fully the camera begins to zoom out giving us a full view of the school entrance, this helps introduce the school to us all and infers to us that there are a lot of people because of how big the school is, in addition because of the camera zooming out it helps show us that there are flowers out the school suggesting to us that it is quite posh and modern for the times it is set in.

As the 3 boys enter the school the camera begins to track them, this can help the audience because it acts as a short introduction for the characters, as they continue to walk down the hallway a man begins to intimidate one of the 3 boys and from this he "steals" the camera as it begins to then track him. The tracking and how the camera is only focused on specific characters help us notice there facial expressions and because of this we can interoperate a rough idea on the role these characters will play within the film. As the scene goes on the camera begins to track certain characters that we can suggest will be the main characters within the film, the camera uses a mid shot so it helps us take notice of the facial expressions and body language of the specific character that is being followed. Whilst tracking the different people the camera begins to zoom in on a man who is sniffing something (probably suppose to be cocaine). The camera zooming in on this emphasises on the importance of this little action and because of this the audience can suggest that the school may be corrupt, or just that certain individuals in the school may be involved within drugs. As the camera than leaves the hallway there is a flash to suggest this little clip/scene of the hallway tracking has finished.

It than begins again showing us the face of a statue which may have some significance within the film due to it begin zoomed in upon, the camera tracks down and focuses on a girl reading a book(this again suggesting she could be of some importance within the film), but than begins to zoom in on 3 older people, 1 shaking hands with the other. The shot includes all 3 of them suggesting they are all important and just by what they're wearing we can suggest that they are a more authoritative role than the others. The camera tracks these 3 people as they walk towards 2 other people, the camera shot includes all of the 5 people together and shows us that they are friends by including there body language. As the original group of 3 begin to walk away the camera stays on the 2 and tracks them which helps introduce them to the audience. The tracking technique helps introduce to us every character within the film we can also take notice of there certain facial expressions and body language to emphasise on the characters.

Donnie Darko Analysis - Locations and Mise-en-scene

There are 4 different locations within the scene; school entrance, school corridor, courtyard area and the classroom. These are the most suitable locations in the sense that they are the most effective in replicating the setting of an actual school. Details in this scene also help to further establish the 'school world', in the corridor lockers are present which are a typical aspect to an american school where books and other school materials are help for keeping while students are in lesson.

The main attire which is consistent throughout is the school uniform, which consist of a blue shirt, tie and formal trousers for the students. The teachers also follow a formal dress code but do not follow a specific outfit which expresses their expected dominance amongst the community. However there are some characters that do not follow the expected attire which could suggest some future conflict or in balance in power.

The most prominent location within the scene 'head over heels' is the school corridor. From this scene we are able to determine character roles by the way different individuals interact within the establishment. There is one character who commits the act of taking cocaine in an outward way without trying to conceal himself. There is also a teacher who glances in an uncomfortable and disgusted way at one of the students which could suggest two things, either that the student is a delinquent and has a reputation for having an attitude which is against the norm of normal students or