Monday 16 December 2013

conventions for Bling Ring

Summary:The film Bling Ring Inspired by actual events, a group of fame-obsessed teenagers use the internet to track celebrities' whereabouts in order to rob their homes. The teenagers are extremely materialistic and shallow, their main objectives seem to be partying, taking drugs and simply enjoying their teenage hood.The film is set in the rich upper class state of california, however the crimes take place in the celebrity town of beverly hills

why is Bling Ring a teen drama?: The film has , many connotations of a teen film, this is because of the many themes that relate to teenagers of the current era, such as ; fashion, relationships,peer pressure and finally the obsession with celebrities. And most importantly the main characters are teenagers

Themes: The main themes in this film are a direct stereotype of teenagers, and these are; crime, this is apparent from all the burglaries the clique commit, partying, the clique spend most of their nights in night clubs dancing and drinking, drugs & alcohol, the group are affected by a lot of drug abuse from class A drugs to marijuana furthermore they are constantly drinking on their nights out, rebellion, the teenagers are extremely rebellious due to the fact they do not conform to societies views on what 'normal' and 'wrong' such as committing major acts of theft and drug intake they also show rebellion towards their parents, greed, the materialistic clique don't stop at one mansion, they continue to move from one mansion to another unsatisfied by the already 'rich' lifestyle they live and finally peer pressure,  the group seem to act in such way in order to fit in the society they live in. And finally a really popular theme in this current era which is social networking, the teens seem to project their flashy lifestyle simply through Facebook.

settings/location: The main locations the viewer see's are of course the different celebrity mansions that they burgle, the teenagers high school, the night clubs that the teenagers party in and finally their own bedrooms in their parents house.

Music: The music we hear throughout the movie is upbeat and loud, it is new and current to the generation of teenagers, the main genre's of music we hear are; urban, hip-hop+dance trance

Characters: The main characters of course are teenagers, the authorities and the parents of the teens

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