Monday 17 March 2014

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions of a film opening may contain:
Film titles
The production and distribution company's name
Introduction of main characters
Introduction to setting
Setting up towards the main story
All these things are rather common within the openings of films.

The conventions of a title sequence is the following;
Production company
Distribution company
Actor 1
Actor 2
Any further actors
Costume designer
Music supervisor
Edited by
Production designer
Director of Photography
Executive producers
Written by

This could be done so the actors can easily attract an audience and get them hooked into wanting to watch the film, as well as this it is then ended with the more important roles so people would remember the name and this would help the director in the future as some may remember his name and want to watch more of his films.

Timeline of the opening titles of the film The Roommate.

If we compare this to ours you can also see that in our film we used the production company's ident first

which is then followed by the distribution companies ident

and we also proceed to use the credit titles in order (below is a list we had used when writing the names into the film).

Actor 1 - Jaya kaur
Actor 2 - Youssof mallah
Costume - Mohammed Raheem
Music supervisor - Leon Hill
Music by - luke vieria
Edited by - Steve Beaumont
Production designer - Rohit Syed-Hassan
Director of Photography - Chenny Bui
Executive producers -Youssof mallah & Jason Brobosky
Written by - Youssof Mallah
Director - Youssof Mallah

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our film's two character both relate to very popular teenage lifestyles, however both of these are very different lifestyles.

The female character's.

The female character in our film is psychologically effected from the death of her mother that has committed suicide, nowadays depression is extremely common throughout a teenagers lifestyle and is the most common mood disorder today, this means a lot of teenagers (maybe even more so teenage girls) can relate to the character and have an understanding of what she is going through. Even though the character's lifestyle is portrayed as negative and hopeless the ending to the opening shows her falling in love with a man who's life is completely different to hers, this helps us spread a positive message that even if your life is not the best it doesn't mean good things can't happen.

The male character's

As well as the female characters the male's lifestyle also is extremely common within teenagers, he lives a very party-hard, "live life to the fullest" lifestyle in which he'll just go to parties, do drugs and be with other celebrities. We believe that this also relates to many teenagers nowadays (which may not be a good thing), but it definitely can be relate-able to the audience. We have presented the male in a positive aspect because like real media today, it appears that all rich, celebrity like people do is drugs and party therefore we really wanted to portray this and was emphasised a lot in the voice over.

Evaluation Question 3

You can click on both pictures of the two idents to view them

With the production and distribution company both being low budget independent films it means that are film does have limits (examples given above). I think the independent and distribution companies both fit the film as the film it very new and should not have such an investment into it as it would be a high risk for mainstream companies.

When we pitched we had used to different production and distribution companies, these wereWorking Title and Studio Canal.

The company which we have chosen to use as our producer are Working Title Films. They are a production company who focus on independant filming and have helped produce many films such as Love Actually and Atonement. As you can see these films are related to ours in terms of thier genre and target audience. They mainly focus on the younger generation as we do too and include genre such as drama and romance which our film is strongly influenced by. I believe they would also choose to produce our film as they would be interested in what we have to offer in terms on content. Even though this company is local and independent it is owned by Universal meaning that it has quite a high budget which may decrease our chances with Working Title wanting to work with us as it will be risky to invest a lot into something relatively new.

The distributer is the force which is in charge of marketing the film. The distribution company that we have chosen to use is Studio Canal. It is one of Europe’s leading companies in the market for co-production, acquisition, distribution and sale of international feature films. They are an ideal distribution company in regards to our film. Furthermore, seeing as our movie is independent and based in the british region with the target audience being british, it is an ideal company to go with as we will be able to easily reach out to our target audience. They have produced movies such as Johnny English which makes it a suitable and viable distributor. They even offer an extension of our target audience, if we wanted to go further than only marketing our film to a british audience we would have to opportunity to expand on this as they have links with Universal Studios which would allow for expansion. This distribution company is very similar to the production company which is what we wanted.

The reason why we didn't want to go with these production and distribution companies in the end is because both have a fairly high budget and our film was too new and had no background reputation to really allow us to use a high budget. I think the production and distribution companies that we went with were suitable for a film anyway as they were both independent and local which ment they had an understanding of the market. Also the high budget was not a must as we did not need any CGI or stars.

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience of teen movies can be seen as a lot more then just teens, for example a teenage boy would also prefer different films compared to a girl. This would also include other people who have interest in a certain genre such as romance, action, drama and a lot more.

The audience more specific to our genre would be teenagers of both genders that contain an interest within drama and romance, as the film is also about how the two lovers raise through a social hierarchy it could also appeal to those who enjoy watching films of people achieving power. However because of the contrast in both character's lifestyle it allows the target audience to be so large, the girl is going through a hard time and being psychologically effected by her mums death, nowadays depression is the most common mood disorder within teenagers. It has effected many of us and this will mean a lot of teenagers will be able to relate to the female character. In contrast to this there is also the other side to a teenager, the party-hard, live life to the fullest teenager which is what we aimed for the male character's lifestyle to be. The two different characters mean that the film could appeal to, for example, fans of twilight because of its romance and drama but as well as this attract fan of films such as project x.

A person who we believe our film would attract to:


Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the pregression from it to the full product?

In conclusion I think I have improved in all aspects in media and comparing the preliminary with the final piece I can easily notice a massive improvement.

evaluation question 1

evaluation question 2


evaluation question 3

evaluation question 4

People in the age range of 13-25 watch teen movies because some  have mild adult themes such as drugs, violence, sex and crude humour however there are also romantic or animated teen movies which appeals to the younger audiences, this audience will be interested in our film, the reason for this is because of our unique selling point, my films sub genre is romance,drama and action
one film which consists of these is the movie twilight
twilight-genre:romance,action drama

There are many stereotypes that are included in teen films, this makes it much easier for film makers to make the film successful, another main reason for this is it relates to the target audience which the majority of the audience are teenagers.

Main characters in teen films (stereotype)
A popular male This character is one of the first to be introduced in teen movies, they are normally a tall, hunky.
And an unpopular female in which the male falls in love with,my film followed this convention

This video consists of quick short interviews which asks students in a london college about their movie preferences

evaluation question 5

i believe the main aspects which appealed to our audience is the way in which both characters were displayed onto the screen joined by the use of editing, my intentions when making the film was to display the characters backgrounds simply and effectively through things such as edititng, music , acting and pictures.

another aspect which attracted our audiences was the music and the use of voiceover, the reason why i used the voiceover was to guide the viewer through the film and enlighten them about the lifestyle of our male character.

finally the audience also mentioned how the genre romance was interpreted and shown, a simple and effective idea which i used was a shot which was zoomed in on both characters eyes facing each other, this instantly made the viewer aware of the attraction between the characters

                                                                                   this is a video with feedback from audience

evaluation question 6

evaluation question 7


Evaluation Question 1

Forms and conventions of teen film openings:

-Genre appropriate characters
-Differing social groups
-Specific editing techniques
-Sound relative to teen generation

The sound of which the majority of the teen generation listen to is pop, drum and base and dance. This follows the codes and conventions of a teen drama as it is music relative to the social group and age,a teen drama which focuses on the life a delinquent who is in to drugs and is from an estate block would use music such as grime. While we used club music to portray the lifestyle of the male as he is a character who parties a lot and likes to go to clubs.

The film title sequence:

  1. Production company
  2. Distribution company
  3. Actor 1
  4. Actor 2
  5. Any further actors
  6. Costume designer
  7. Music supervisor
  8. Edited by
  9. Production designer
  10. Director of Photography
  11. Executive producers
  12. Written by
  13. Director

The ideas for editing were ideas which were taken from teen dramas of the same genre. Skins is a teen drama which focuses on the same target audience. The setting, mise en scene and social groups within the it are stereotypical and expected of that genre.

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 4

-Our own film 'Differences' is specifically aimed at the teenagers within the age range of 16-19 as it follows the lifestyle of characters of the same age who are faced with similar situations and undergo similar experiences during this period of time.

-Its unique selling point is the huge contrast it has between lifestyles, caters for a variety of audiences.

Evaluation Question 5

Feedback:  Comments were made by the target audience on what they thought was appealing and     interesting about the teen film.

The use of still images within the film was interesting while at the same time informative as it helped to further convey the lifestyle behind each character and build a more detailed character base of which the audience could relate to

The use of two different soundtracks in order to represent the two very contrasting characters was very effective as it helped to distinguish the two and further express

The voice over captured the audiences attention and also informed them of the lifestyle of which the male character lives. It also gives the male character more presence and airtime in order to highlight the fact that the girl is lonely.

Camerawork such as close ups helped the audience understand the characters relationship and captures a very key moment within the film. Furtherrmore, we also gained feedback on the editing done which synced the audio and the video together, it was on point and the soundtrack went hand in hand with what was being displayed

How we reached our audience -facebook, youtube, vimeo

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 7

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To conclude, it is easy see that i have developed my skills significantly from when we first started on the project. The comparison between the prelim and the film opening show show major improvements have been made in regards to the camerawork and organisation of the project.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Final changes made to editing

After we finished editing our rough cut we realised that there were some sligth errrors. These issues were:

  • Audio was out of sync
  • Obstruction of characters
  • mis en scene misplacement(tripod was in one of the shots)
  • there was excessive headroom during the males scene
  • the music did not play at the right times
we took these errors on board and editied the film to perfect it

Picture for bullied female

this picture will be added during the females scene, it will flash up as the other pictures do, this picture simplyh indicates of the female's hard time at college and background as to why she may have left it for a job handing out newspapers

Monday 10 March 2014


The casting for our film 'Differences':

Actor 1 - Jaya kaur
Actor 2 - Youssof mallah
Costume - Mohammed Raheem
Music supervisor - Leon Hill
Music by - luke vieria
Edited by - Steve Beaumont
Production designer - Rohit Syed-Hassan
Director of Photography - Chenny Bui
Executive producers -Youssof mallah & Jason Brobosky
Written by - Youssof Mallah
Director - Youssof Mallah

the sound effects we will use for the idents

the sound effects we will use during the idents are as followed, they are quick and effective, they consist of a loud beat or swoosh sound effect

Production and Distribution unfinished

Production company 

Produciton companies are significant in the way they provide a foundation of which the film is built upon. The company which we have chosen to use as our producer are Working Title Films. They are a production company who focus on independant filming and have helped produce many films such as Love Actually and Atonement. As you can see these films are related to ours in terms of thier genre and target audience. They mainly focus on the younger generation as we do too and include genre such as drama and romance which our film is strongly influenced by. I believe they would also choose to produce our film as they would be interested in what we have to offer in terms on content. Our film has some qualities which are also used in films which the company has produced and a meaning behind the production which tries to teach morals.

Distribution company

The distributer is the force which is in charge of marketing the film. The distribution company that we have chosen to use is Studio Canal. It is one of Europe’s leading companies in the market for co-production, acquisition, distribution and sale of international feature films. They are an ideal distribution company in regards to our film. Furthermore, seeing as our movie is independent and based in the british region with the target audience being british, it is an ideal company to go with as we will be able to easily reach out to our target audience. They have produced movies such as Johnny English which makes it a suitable and viable distributor. They even offer an extension of our target audience, if we wanted to go further than only marketing our film to a british audience we would have to opportunity to expand on this as they have links with Universal Studios which would allow for expansion.

The combination of the two would make for successful marketing as they both fit perfectly into what our film is expressing and the type of audience we want as viewers of our film

intro for my film adding the cast and idents and the edit type

i decided to use motion for the mac to make my animated production ident, distribution ident and film title.
i then thought it would be better if the cast names came up duiring the opening of the film as it plays.

i will use the splash edit for the title sequence which is a blend of the colours black and white, the visuals consist of splashes which are similar to splashed paint or blood.

the edit for the production ident is the skyline edit, this consists of outlines of buildings moving, in the colours black, grey and red, the reason i used this was because our film is based in urban london and the production company is likely to be london based, it represents areas of society which live in london.

finally the edit i will use for the distribution title is called basic white open, this consists of different coloured blocks moving across the screen and then the white text appears in a rectangle with small pictures in it.

the edit for the production ident-skyline

the edit for the distribution title

the edit for the film tite-splash

the edit for the film tite-splash

Behind the scenes editing (AUDIO)

After we finished editing the clips we then looked at adding a soundtrack. Two sound tracks were taken off sound cloud which were copy right free. We found both songs by using creative commons.

The soundtrack which was used for the female character was called 'Out Of Reach'

There was one which we used for the male character which was called ' The Black Keys
 - Lonely Boy'

We next added a voiceover which was done by Youssof Mallah and was added ontop of the video which showed the journey of the male character.

We further synced the clips with the audio making the sound and movements and transitions within the clips and made the song fade in and out to make sure it doesn't disturb with the voiceover.

Behind the scenes editing (VIDEO) unfinished

When we first started our editing we imported all the clips into final cut pro.

Next we had to cut the clips as some clips contained content that we did not need, also the clips needed to be shortened to make the opening seem less prolonged and more interesting.

We further put the clips together and used match cutting

Towards the end of our editing we decided to add pictures to the opening in order to highlight the character lifestyles and events which took place prior to now.

This is the final result of our editing.

Pictures for behind the camera