Monday 17 March 2014

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience of teen movies can be seen as a lot more then just teens, for example a teenage boy would also prefer different films compared to a girl. This would also include other people who have interest in a certain genre such as romance, action, drama and a lot more.

The audience more specific to our genre would be teenagers of both genders that contain an interest within drama and romance, as the film is also about how the two lovers raise through a social hierarchy it could also appeal to those who enjoy watching films of people achieving power. However because of the contrast in both character's lifestyle it allows the target audience to be so large, the girl is going through a hard time and being psychologically effected by her mums death, nowadays depression is the most common mood disorder within teenagers. It has effected many of us and this will mean a lot of teenagers will be able to relate to the female character. In contrast to this there is also the other side to a teenager, the party-hard, live life to the fullest teenager which is what we aimed for the male character's lifestyle to be. The two different characters mean that the film could appeal to, for example, fans of twilight because of its romance and drama but as well as this attract fan of films such as project x.

A person who we believe our film would attract to:


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