Monday 24 February 2014

Behind the camera (Day 2)

For the second day of filming we decided to film the male characters journey to college, for this character we aimed to film down busier roads compared to the females to connote his popularity and emphasise on his wealth.

Firstly we filmed the character leaving his house, being all rich and famous we definitely had to give him a flashier house when compared to the females. The long shot makes the audience be able to see his house and allows them to make their own comparison between his and the female character's house.

We then filmed the male walking down his road, this is also when we use a cut shot to film him turning on his music. This also allows the audience to get a more detailed view on the characters costume, which again helps for a comparison between both the male and female.

In this shot we tracked the male character as he walked up the road, the camera followed. The shot is focused on the male character showing his importance to the audience.

The shot shows the male character looking around, greeting people on the street, it shows how he is popular and everyone wants to talk to him.

As before corners had been such an advantage for us because it allowed the character to skip any empty roads so we could emphasise on his popularity, we also used a pan just to show that the camera is fixed on the male character when he moves.

This is another shot of the man walking towards the camera, again it allows us to take notice upon what he is wearing.

A long shot was used to get a good scenery shot of the station, it is the place where the two main characters meet so it is to be introduced in detail.

Addtional pictures for the male

When getting pictures for the male we had to get some 'fake' ones to help connote his lifestyle, obviously Youssof himself wouldn't have any pictures of himself hiding from paparazzi and doing coke, therefore we had to obtain some from the internet but show it off like it is him, the quick flash of the image means that the audience can't fully identify that it is not the male character, because of this they'll assume it still can be him and that  fulfills the purpose of what we aimed to do with the images.

Pictures for the male character

In order to build on the personality of the character and make him fit the designated role of a wealthy celebrity type, a character of high status who is envied for his lifestyle, we used pictures of his past and present which express a lifestyle of wealth. pictures such as him partying in expensive clothing and pictures where he is lounging around with famous celebrities. There are also pictures which are associated with the aftermath of partying and the consequences which one faces when involving themselves in activities such as drinking alcohol and taking drugs. All the pictures together help create a portfolio of which describes the daily life of the character.

Monday 10 February 2014

Final Pitch

Animate Storyboard:


<iframe frameborder="0" height="400" src=";lock_to_path=0&amp;autoplay=0&amp;autohide_ctrls=0&amp;features=undefined&amp;disabled_features=undefined" width="550"></iframe>

We pitched out idea of the opening:

The opening of the film will be looking at both the popular male's journey to college and the unpopular female's to work. We'll jump between the two to show that both are happening at the same time. During the males journey to college he'll be having flashbacks of how his lifestyle is, this will contain popular dance music, sounds of crowds and loads of shutter sounds to connote his celebrity status. The female will mainly be in contrast to the male her is journey is to work, where she hands out newspapers, she'll be hearing her mums voice screaming and shouting and a voice over reliving the moment of her mothers death followed by a gun shot. As the male character is proceeding to college he bumps into the female character whilst she is working,he is automatically overwhelmed by her beauty this will be how the two characters meet.

Production Schedule

 3rd Feb- Pitch & Final Planning
10th Feb- Filming Half Term- Filming
24th Feb- Filming & Editing
3rd March- Editing & Rough cut
10th March- Deadline Week.

Behind the camera. DAY 1.

Whilst filming our opening to Differences we had used multiple shot types, each picture will contain a caption briefly describing what is happening. This is only what we have recorded in the first day of filming, however we have many more days so a lot more pictures will come in other

 We started by filming the female leaving her house, we planned to use a basic house to symbolise her lifestyle and working class and went for a mid/long shot to show off her clothing.

We follow this with a pan that tracks the female as she walks along the road. This is a long shot because it is still acting as an introduction for the character and how people can see how her head is down connoting she is sad.

In this shot Youssof is infront filming the female as she she down the road, the shot is able to get a close of her face and letting her facial expressions express her emotions it allows us to be able to use to voice over of her mother.

As the camera is still tracking her facial expressions whilst moving it allows for the female so really emphasise her sadness and really let the reader allow to relate to her.

Even though the location where we started filming was actually further then it appears corners had helped us easily on acting as an illusion, we filmed characters going around a corner as it had let us easily be able to follow up on filming the character coming around another corner.

We had used multiple shots of the female character walking to the camera this is so the audience can see her facial expressions and it shows how there is no-one around, if you compare this with the shots of the male character they show a lot of his surroundings because they are actually important to the character because of his popularity where as the female character is very alone. We hope that upon hearing her story the audience will relate to this character and feel sympathetic towards her, it'll also make her feel loved throughout the film and no-one will want anything bad to happen to her.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Planning final project; ideas

Final project ideas:


The film 'Differences' is a teen drama that compares  the contrasting lifestyle of a popular rich male to a poor psychologically affected female. The whole film is about how the rich popular male falls in love with the poor unpopular female, he leaves his past 'celebrity' lifestyle for her, teaches her how to be a successful banker and makes her his assistant, together they rise through the social hierarchy and end up living their dream.

Reason for choice

An idea was raised by Youssof Mallah to create a story which revolves around two contasting characters, one male and the other female. We took this idea on board and ellaborated to come up with this concept of romance/action/drama. This was seen as interesting because it would be relative to a wide audience. Teenagers are faced with many issues of which they deal with intenally thus we chose to portrtay this in one character to show how vulnerablity causes many problems to arise. This is contrasted to the male character who lives a lifestyle of luxury and minimul stress. The comparison between the significantly differing lifestyle of two young characters portrays this pressing issue which needs to be addressed.



The opening of the film will be looking at both the popular male's journey to college and the unpopular female's to work. We'll jump between the two to show that both are happening at the same time. During the males journey to college he'll be having flashbacks of how his lifestyle is, this will contain popular dance music, sounds of crowds and loads of shutter sounds to connote his celebrity status. The female will mainly be in contrast to the male her is journey is to work, where she hands out newspapers, she'll be hearing her mums voice screaming and shouting and a voice over reliving the moment of her mothers death followed by a gun shot. As the male character is proceeding to college he bumps into the female character whilst she is working, he is automatically overwhelmed by her beauty this will be how the two characters meet.


After the two characters meet they build a strong relationship and we see a weakening in the binary oppositions of the two characters as both of them become increasing similar in status as the story proceeds. We see a change in their journey to college, their appearance, attitude and emotions develop along with the fact that they are becoming successful individuals in the business world. Flash backs will become less frequent and less sigificant over time to express the fact that events that have happened in the past have become nothing but an image in the back of the head.


Changes we have made from pitch feedback.

After our pitch we received some feedback on how great some things were and how others can be improved. From our feedback we have added more slides in our presentation including:

  • The target audience
  • A risk assessment
  • Talks on our distributor
  • Skills we have learned 
  • Our production schedule 

sound effects that will be used in film opening

i will use a range of sound effects to add a great sense of  drama and to entrance the viewer, also to give a greater understanding about what going on and a bit of background information, through this i learnt that sound is extremely important

the sound effects i will use are of the following;  for the females i will use a voice over  of her mum saying "goodbye" we plan to record that ourselves and use the gun shot sounds to make it clear to the viewer that her mother shot herself we will retrieve this from the sound fx folder. also sounds such as wind to portray the sadness of the atmosphere and screams of a woman to represent flashbacks she has of her mother
wind sfx

screams sfx

crying woman sfx

gunshot sfx

the sound effects i will use for the male's scene give the character a celebrity status, sounds of camera shutters which will represent papparazzi and sounds of crowds cheering to portray his popularity
camera shutters

crowd cheering

Why is it important to use copyright free audio.

Audio is an important aspect when it comes to the creation of a scene, the audio helps to develop and give greater meaning. It is highly important that the audio is copyright free in order to ensure you do not  break any laws like copyright infringement. If you were to break these laws you could face being imprisoned.

Websites such as Creative Commons allow us to go onto other music sharing websites like sound cloud. It identifies and only shows us copyright free music that we can download, this makes it easier for us to get copyright free music as the site provides it for us. This also will help us in gaining marks for our work because we're showing skills that we can identify and use copyright free music.

Furthermore we also have a sound effects folder that we can use for easy effects that we might need to use whilst editing our film.

Prezi presentation of our pitch

Progress Review

My progress review grade was D with a total of 11 marks. This grade was not was expected as my initial target grade was of B standard. Feedback given was to improve on attendance to insure that i would not fall behind on work and end up having to catch up as that would only allow stress to build up and prevent me from achieving full potential. Another comment which was made was to focus more on individual blog post as it would give me extra marks and allow me to reach a higher grade. Furthermore, i was also told that if i use ICT and add multimedia forms i would be able to reach the higher grade.

props in my film opening

the main props are as followed

for the male: The rich popular male will be wearing smart casual clothes, this will consists of a shirt , jumper, formal trousers and a peacoat. He'll also have accessories such as an expensive watch and a iPhone to help show off his wealthy lifestyle.
white shirt

formal trousers

expensive watch


for the female:
The female will be wearing casual clothes such as a plain t-shirt, jeans and trainers, she'll also be wearing a cap. the female will be wearing quite bland colours to blend in as an ordinary person.

white t-shirt