Thursday 6 February 2014

sound effects that will be used in film opening

i will use a range of sound effects to add a great sense of  drama and to entrance the viewer, also to give a greater understanding about what going on and a bit of background information, through this i learnt that sound is extremely important

the sound effects i will use are of the following;  for the females i will use a voice over  of her mum saying "goodbye" we plan to record that ourselves and use the gun shot sounds to make it clear to the viewer that her mother shot herself we will retrieve this from the sound fx folder. also sounds such as wind to portray the sadness of the atmosphere and screams of a woman to represent flashbacks she has of her mother
wind sfx

screams sfx

crying woman sfx

gunshot sfx

the sound effects i will use for the male's scene give the character a celebrity status, sounds of camera shutters which will represent papparazzi and sounds of crowds cheering to portray his popularity
camera shutters

crowd cheering

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